BENTI reality

BENTI Reality is company conversant reality object as family house arounf Prague city and others locality in the Czech republic.
Project BENTI Reality animations were made for support sale and support web sites.
Submissions were made a structure place with family houses according with plane setting from geologists. Then I must put into a Family houses and rendering simply circle animations with transit into a made "city".

  modeling: Plane poly modeling 3DS Max 8.0, + instant geometry
Final Render
postproduction: Adobe Photoshop, Sony Vegas Studio
official site:

Benti Reality - night

Preview of the final image from BENTI reality "city". Night situation with lighting from house.


Benti Reality - day

For compare - preview final image from BENTI reality "city". Day Light situation.

Benti Reality - night

  Benti Reality - day

Benti Reality - preparing a positions

On first position was plane of local place. Then modeling terrain and situation building.


Benti Reality - final building positions

Of the end of the project, situation look like this.

Benti Reality - preparing a positions   Benti Reality - final building positions

Benti Reality - shot from the animation

This is shot from animation without postproduction. Clear shot.



Benti Reality - short Animation

When do you want to look the short animation, you can look this. Short BENTI Animation (it is in Mpeg format and 13Mb large). But you can watch to all animation you must go to official websites

Benti Reality - shot from the animation   Benti Reality - shot from the animation
3D graphic and animations | vizualization | cartoon characters modeling and animation | FreeLancer for your 3Ds Max game and video project

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Portfolio sites: ShowReel | Pirate Girl | Krkouni | ALLI | Benti | Albion Group | Lenticular Man | Term of Life | UFO heads | Black Man | Brown W. | Grey W. | Skull | Sink